Every Thursday evening throughout the summer the Island Sailing Club here on the Isle of Wight hosts its adult sailing sessions. The aim is to give non-members and members alike the chance to sail and meet other sailors, without the hassle of having their own boat.
Island Sailing Club Sonar’s
Last week there was an amazing light, with storm clouds rolling in from the south west and a glorious sunset dropping over the mainland. I was fortunate enough to have my camera with me to grab a few shots between ferrying crews around.

The Island Sailing Club Sonar Thursday night sailing is a great event with often very good weather. Meeting at 6 pm in the marquee at the end of the club on Cowes High Street and open to all! The light was great and I was fortunate enough to have my camera on me at the time. To see more please go to the Flickr Album – Sonar Sunset.
Shot with Canon 600D with 24 – 105 mm F4, please comment and share. Thanks!